Shop of the Week: University of Greenwich

20 juin 2014

As part of their end of year exhibition, The University of Greenwich’s Department of Architecture + Landscape went roaming, with their very own micro A+L Pop Up

Appearing in Unit 2 of Old Street Station (previously the home of Found Festival and the TATE pop up.) The exhibition was timed to coincide with the London Festival of Architecture 2014. The Pop Up consisted of a Micro Exhibition and Pecha Kucha (a series of 1 minute talks on specialist subjects.)


Amongst the lineup of world leading practices were; AHMM, ALL Design, Arup (Landscape) Arup (Engineering), Arup Associates, David Morley Architects, FFLO, Gustafson Porter, Hopkins Architects, Max Fordhams, Sarah Wigglesworth Architects.

The night was an astounding success, a capacity audience listened intently to the wide array of industry leaders, with topics ranging from snow globe collections to the importance of light when designing an art gallery, it was great to see enthusiasts and novices alike come to hear the speakers.

If you think you have an idea that would work well Underground, view this space here



