The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from. This week’s selections have been curated by Sharks Pool Club, Founder Jessica Resler.

Sharks is a new concept offering private mansion-style pool rooms bookable by the hour all over NYC. Look out for their new location opening soon with Appear Here on Orchard Street. You can book whenever you want – take lessons, bring a date, play with a friend or practice your solo game.

My close friend gifted me Billion Dollar Loser about WeWork and I devoured it in days. There were a lot of great lessons in there and some really interesting things – good, bad and otherwise for all founders to take as notes. I love to read a lot of business bios and stories about overcoming obstacles.

I've been rewatching all the Rick & Morty's with my boyfriend. We have a rule about not getting too tied in to series or TV time together in general so we like to pick something fun and light-hearted and take it in more as background. We are also always watching Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds in our house on repeat – if you know this one, you know.

First and foremost, the Sharks Pool Club playlists on Spotify are the best mixes around. I got very obsessed with the new Big Sean Detroid 2 album, I love that he's on the spiritual path and really in to ZTFO. I listen to a lot of wavey kundalini music to do yoga or meditate. I just finished a hard Ozzie/Sabbath phase, it was a perfect revisit – Planet Caravan is timeless.

What about not to shop? We all now know we have too much stuff! I love Pre-cycle and The Real Real because I try to live as waste-free or efficiently as possible. It's very humbling and hard to do. I think experiences are better spends that things and stuff.

My boyfriend Gosha Levochkin is an artist and pretty fucking inspiring, plus cute! One of my Sharks partners, Dusty, owns the most incredible game changing print shop as well, Publicide. The quality and output is top tier – second to none! I would summarize that I'm inspired most by quality and dedication to pursuits of expertise.