Cambridge Heath Road — The Glass-box Retail Space

Londonchevron iconHackneychevron iconCambridge Heath Road — The Glass-box Retail Space

150 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


Shop Share


A little about this space

You’ll find this small but perfectly formed space on Cambridge Heath Road, East London’s main thoroughfare to Hackney. With consistently heavy footfall and a floor-to-ceiling window, this is the perfect spot for any artsy retail brand wanting to give their marketing team a break and launch in a spot with huge exposure. You’ll also benefit from teaming up with the adjoining room’s residents, Flat Earth Pizzas, so you’ll want to make sure you both have a similar vision when looking at this space. From ceramicists to fashion brands - it’s hard to think of a concept that wouldn’t flourish here.


4 days minimum booking

Amenities (7 available)
Wheelchair accessible
Home truths
The entrance to this space is not on the street but off the restaurant. However, past pop-ups in this space haven't found this an issue. There's also no heating in this space but when the restaurant is in use, it gets hot quickly from the pizza oven.
License details

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Opening hours

Tuesday 8:00 am - 10:00 pm

Wednesday 8:00 am - 10:00 pm

Thursday 8:00 am - 10:00 pm

Space rules
The timings listed are the opening times for the restaurant which should be adhered to but if alternative times are needed, these can be discussed and agreed prior to tenancy.
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How enquiries work
  1. Send an enquiry with zero commitment
  2. Speak directly with the landlord about the space
  3. Easily manage legals & payment online