Great Windmill Street, Soho - White Boutique

Londonchevron iconSohochevron iconGreat Windmill Street, Soho - White Boutique

270 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


Shop Share


A little about this space

You'll spot Great Windmill Street just behind Piccadilly Circus, and this Soho road enjoys a pretty cool history. Karl Marx once visited a pub over the road, and in the 1960s nearby Ham Yard hosted gigs by the likes of The Who and the Rolling Stones. Today the area is home to the renowned Ham Yard hotel and a plethora of independent stores like Jac + Jack, Bloomsbury Flowers, Press Juice Bar and Dinosaur Designs. Formerly a womenswear store, this retail space to rent is close to the entrance of Ham Yard and has an attractive shopfront, drawing people in to check out your big idea. The room is square-shaped and well maintained with wooden floors and a simple monochrome palette. It's compact but can fit more then you'd think - with room for free-standing displays, hidden storage and a built-in fitting room.


14 days minimum booking

Amenities (7 available)
Fitting rooms
Home truths
There is no bathroom within the unit, however tenants will be provided with a key fob to use nearby facilities.
Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Weekend: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Space rules
Your occupation of the premises is at all times subject to the Appear Here rental agreement signed by both occupier and the landlords representative prior to the occupation date.

Occupation commences from 0830 hours on the commencing date of the tenancy agreement and finishes at 2000 hours on the final date of the agreement without exception. Occupiers should ensure the unit has been vacated in accordance with the agreement and keys returned by that time.

On arrival, the keys for the unit may be collected from the hotel concierge desk which is located off Gt Windmill St in the entrance foyer to Ham Yard Hotel. The keys will include a key for the unit itself and a fob key for the toilet accommodation (accessed via Denman Street) where there is a WC facility for use only by retail tenants of Ham Yard Village. Please bring ID with you.

On departure at the end of your tenancy, please ensure the unit is left in a clean and tidy condition, free of any refuse, stock or tenants fittings. You should ensure the unit is left in no worse condition than that which you found it in on arrival. Any making good that is required to be carried out by the landlord after your departure will be charged by way of deduction of the relevant amount from the damage deposit held by Appear Here.

The buildings are insured by the landlord. If you require insurance for your stock or the contents of the store during your occupation this must be arranged by you the occupier at your own cost.

If you affix anything to the walls of the premises or the windows, items must be removed prior to your departure and any damage made good at your own expense – this includes filling, sanding of holes made to walls and redecoration thereafter.

When the unit is unoccupied, please ensure it is locked securely using the keys provided. Whilst you are in occupation, you are liable to keep the unit secure and to ensure safe keeping of the keys handed to you when you entered the premises.

If you place any branding vinyls in the windows, please ensure these are placed on the inside of the windows and that the design of the vinyls is approved prior to them being erected. Please also ensure that the vinyls are of suitable quality to be easily removed by the occupier without causing damage when the occupation ends.

Opening Hours & Events

Ham Yard Village trades from 10am to 7pm Monday through Saturday and is open on Sundays in accordance with designated Govt stipulated trading hours. Apart from during setting up of the space at the beginning of the term and clearing at the end, tenants should adhere to the Monday to Saturday trading hours. Sunday trading is at the individual occupiers will.

If you have a press launch or other kind of event during your stay, opening hours may be extended for such an event but must end by 10pm at the latest. You may serve alcohol only during an event and then only free of charge to guests - the retail sale of alcohol is prohibited. Please inform the hotel Concierge if you are holding an evening event during your occupation. There is an absolute restriction that guests of any event are contained within the retail space itself and not in any external areas – guests are not permitted to congregate outside the unit at any time – this is a licensing restriction imposed by the local authority. The landlords reserves the right to close any event taking place where this restriction is not adhered to.

Music - Occupiers may play their own music within their stores should they wish but at all times any music played must not be audible outside the space.

Branding and advertising signs - Vinyls of a pre-agreed and approved design may be placed on the inside only of the shop windows and removed and the glazing cleaned at departure. Signs advertising ‘Sale’ or ‘Discounts’ visible from outside the store are strictly prohibited.

Not to alter - Do not carry out any decoration works yourselves of any kind unless the specific consent of the landlord or its representative has been granted prior to the commencement of your occupation (usually only for longer term occupations). Any decorating works consented at must be done in a high-quality manner and the landlord will require redecoration at the end of the occupation to plain white matt emulsioned wall finishes at the occupier’s cost. External decoration or decoration of the ceiling or floors is strictly prohibited.

Products and items for sale - The occupiers brand and concept will have been approved by the landlord prior to occupation. Additional products or services, not shown on the occupiers website or promotional material at the time the occupation was approved may not be sold from the premises without specific consent from the landlord or its representative. The space may not be shared with another business or brand unless this was agreed at the signing stage.

Deliveries - During set up and clearing of the space, and for deliveries always during the occupation, all deliveries need to be booked in via the Concierge team at Ham Yard Hotel who control the delivery yard for the hotel accessed from Gt Windmill St. All deliveries must arrive at this delivery yard. Deliveries not booked in prior to their approval may be turned away. The Concierge team can be contacted via email – or via the Concierge desk in the hotel.

Heating and Ventilation - Each unit has a combined HVAC system which heats or cools the space. Whilst the system covers the entire development each unit has its own set of controls within the store which can be adjusted accordingly. There is also a hot air door curtain above each entrance door enabling entrance doors to be left open in a welcoming fashion during trading hours but mostly preventing heat from the unit to escape - again this system has its own controls within the unit. Do not at any time, block, attempt to decorate or meddle with the ceiling mounted HVAC system.

Fire controls and sprinkler system - These exist in each unit and are linked to the entire development. Sprinkler hoods should not be covered or tampered with in any manner.

WiFi - Ham Yard Village has its own free to use (unsecured) WIFI. This is not however suitable for payment or till systems. Occupiers should make their own arrangements for a suitable payment system and use a 4G dongle or similar to connect it to.
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